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iPhone and FlashPlayer June 11, 2009

Posted by samoiloff in Flash, Flashplayer, iPhone.
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The topic has vital importance for great number of developers now. In the beginning everything was really promissing. Adobe worked on flashplayer for iPhone, it was announced and had a wide responce in developers media. But when everything was ready Apple refused to allow flashplayer on iPhone because it will take away lot’s of money that Apple recieves from the Apple Store.

FlashPlayer opens highway for millions of free web applications such as games, widgets etc. And of course Apple won’t allow users get it free since they can get it for money ;).

In more details this issue is descibed by Brian X. Chen and David Tucker.

In conclusion I want you to see related movie at youtube.

I sujest that distribution of flashplayer on mobile platform isĀ inevitable. And in the end Apple will have no choise just to allow flashplayer for iPhones. Probably it’s functionality will be restricted in order to correspond greedy Apple’s requirements.